Dewan Pembina PIPI / Board of Elder Member of PIPI

  1. Prof. Dr. Jimly Ashidiqi SH.,MT = Chairman ICMI & DPD RI member former chairman MK
  2. Prof. Dr. Maizar Rachman = Former Indonesian Opec Governor
  3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anies = Former Rector Univesity of Indonesia
  4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sugiarto = Former Lemtek FT.UI Chairman
  5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Yusuf Latief = Former Lemtek FT.UI Chairman
  6. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ing. Kalamullah = Former Excecutive staff Ministry of KOMINFO RI
  7. Prof. Dr. Ir. Harry Sudibyo = Electricity Expert FT.UI
  8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Iwa Gutawa = Energy Expert FT.UI
  9. Prof. Dr. Effi Anwar Apt. Msc = Pharmacy Expert UI & Univ Pancasila
  10. Prof. Dr. H. Bomer Pasaribu SH, SE, MS = Former Man Power Ministry
  11. Prof. Sarwono Hardjomuljadi = International Federation of Consulting Engineers
  12. Dr. Oesman Sapta Oedang = Former DPD.RI Chairman, Deputy Chairman MPR.RI & OSO group chairman and owner
  13. Dr. Rizal Ramli = Former Minister Coordinating Ministry of economic affair and Ministry of Industry RI
  14. Ir. Haryadi Sukamdani = Chairman APINDO & President Sahid Group
  15. Dr. Alim Markus = CEO / Chairman Maspion Group
  16. Arwin Rasyid SE., MBA = Former President Director PT. Telkom Indonesia
  17. Dr. Harry Dharsono = Former UK family UK fashion designer and owner fashion museum, Train museum and antique museum
  18. Dr. A.M. Fachir = Commisioner PT. Freeport Indonesia (Former deputy minister Indonesian foreign affair)
  19. Dr. Mulyaman Hadad = Former Chairman OJK
  20. Daya Zakir SE., MBA = President Jagorawi Golf Property Development
  21. Clayton Allen Wenas = President PT. Freeport Indonesia (Gold Mining)
  22. Ir. Arie Sumarno = Former President PT. Pertamina (Persero)
  23. Ir. Dwi Sutjipto = Chairman SKK. Migas & Former President Director Pt. Pertamina (Persero)
  24. Dr. Ir. H. Abdullah Puteh , MSI = Deputy 1 DPD. RI & Former Governor Aceh Province
  25. Dr. M. Fashurullah Asa = Chairman BPH. Migas
  26. Dr. Yanuar Budi Norman = President Director PT. Rekayasa Industri
  27. Dr. Donny Yusgiantoro = Head of energy security study UNHAN University
  28. Drs. Christianto Wibisono = Economic Expert from University of Indonesia
  29. Dr. Loba Balia = BPH. Migas Commisioner
  30. Dr. Djafar Hamzah = Former Directorate General Agriculture Ministry
  31. Fadlizon = DPR.RI member
  32. Dr. Riefky = DPR.RI member
  33. Alex Asmasoebrata = Chairman ASA center
  34. H. Lucky Prihatta S. = DPRD.RI member
  35. Michael Wattimena = KEIN member
  36. Dr. Benny Pasaribu = KEIN member
  37. Dr. Aries Mufty = KEIN member
  38. Dr. Arief Budhy Hartono = Former Chairman Alumni University of Indonesia & Expert Staff Indonesian President RI
  39. Ir. Toto Nugroho = Former President PT. Partagas
  40. Ir. Jobi Triananda Hasyim = Former President Director PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara
  41. Ir. Made Sudarta = Former President Director PT. PP. Dirganeka
  42. Ir. Sasongko Rahardjo = Executive Sr Director/ Owner PT. PAN Maritime W.
  43. Ir. Asrin R. Haznam = President Director PT. Kelsri
  44. Ing. Wiratamaja Puja (Wirat) = Former Directorat General Oil & Gas
  45. GNP Sugiarta Yasa = President PT. Sarinah (Persero)
  46. H. Farid Padang = President PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)
  47. Dr. Jimmy Siswanto Juwana = Expert Staff University Trisakti
  48. Ir. Harjanto = Directorate General Ministry of Industry
  49. Ir. Djoko Siswanto = Directorate General Migas
  50. Ir. Jarman = Former Directorate General Electricity
  51. Ir. Wendi Aritenang = Former Secretary General Transportation Minister
  52. Ir. Djadjang Sukarna = Former Chairman Badiklat Migas
  53. Ir. SFX Sutiostoto = Director General EBT. KE ESDM
  54. Ir. Toto Nugroho = Former President Director PT. Pertagas
  55. Ir. Melanton Manap = Former Director PT. Pertamina Gas Niaga
  56. Dip. Ing Iqbal Miad = President Director PT. Lagaligo Oil Intern
  57. Bur Maras = President Director & Owner Ratu Prabu 1&2
  58. Supriyadi = President Director/Owner PT. Golden Piping
  59.  Ir. Soeprapto Soemardan = Former President PT. Pertamina Samtan Oil n Co
  60. Tengku Zulfikar = Chairman Indonesian Integrated Contract – Former FT. UI Alumni Chairman